Holistic Health, Richmond

Complementing the Conventional the Holistic Way - Counselling

David is an experienced therapist using an integrative approach to counselling. David primarily uses a person-centred approach combining psychodynamic theory (psychosocial and attachment theory), CBT, Transactional analysis with a keen interest in Transpersonal theory.

David is currently the Head of Counselling & Well-being for SurrogacyUK. David is passionate about our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental well-being.

David is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and has experience in fertility complexities, sexual identity, sexual issues, Surrogacy, and alternative routes to parenthood.

David has experience volunteering with a low-cost counselling service and believes in accessible therapy for all. A certain number of reduced rate sessions are available online for those who might not otherwise be able to afford therapy.

Counselling with Reflexology & Pilates

Sometimes when things get tough we can feel as though we're at the end of our tether. You might be experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety. You might be struggling with difficult feelings and feel overwhelmed. Counselling can help untangle your thoughts and feelings, enabling you to find your own answers and explore a new and more positive way of living.

Whilst you're undertaking counselling, you might want to combine it with another service such as Reflexology to help restore balance, or Pilates to help with your physical wellbeing and mindfulness, or you might want to combine it with both. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Qualifications, Insurance & Membership




Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Counselling Awarding Body: Level 5 Certificate in Psychotherapeutic Counselling

Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Counselling Awarding Body: Level 4 Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Skills

Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Counselling Awarding Body: Level 3 Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Skills

Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Counselling Awarding Body: Level 2 Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Skills

BICA Foundation & Advanced course in Fertility Counselling








Professional Liabilities Insurance with Towergate Insurance.

BACP Registered Member:

Counselling. BACP



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